(Children and Adults)
Signifies the Heaven, towards which the plant matures into a towering tree as training in Tae Kwon Do Progresses.
Pattern or Poomse:
TOI-GYE (37 movements) is the penance of the notes scholar Yi Hwang (16th century A.D.), an authority on Neo-Confucianism. The 37 Movements refer to his birthplace on 37 degree latitude and the diagram (+-) represents “scholar”.
Kicking Technique:
- 180° degree Jumping Spinning Hook Kick
- Jumping Double Axe Kick
- Triple Side Kick
- Triple Round House Kick
- Combination of All Kicks
Combination of Punches and Blocks: Adults Only
- Upset Finger Tip Low Thrust
- Outer Forearm W-Shape Block/Moutain Block; Heel sets up as high as the opposite knee when moving. Arms stay at shoulder level in a “W-shape”.
- Knife Hand Low Guarding Block
- Black Fist High Back Strike (Low Block)
- X-Fist Pressing Block
- Double Low Pushing Block
- Flat Finger Tip High Thrust
- Back Fist High Strike (Lower Outer Forearm Block)
Self Defence: Movements and Applications
Bag Work and Target Training
Free Sparring
- Meaning of TOI-GYE
- How Many Movements in TOI-Gye
- Movement Application
- Description of Techniques and Stances