(Children and Adults)
Signifies the plant’s growth as the Tae Kwon Do begin to develop.
Pattern or Poomse:
WON-HYO(28 movements) was the noted monk who introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in the year 686 A.D.

Kicking Requirements:
- 360° degree House Kick
- 180° degree Jumping Round House Kick
- Step Hooking Kick
- 180° degree Spinning Hook Kick
Combination of Punches and Blocks: Adults Only
- Fixed Stance Punch
- Knife Hand Inward Strike; Set up at shoulder level with attack tool tilted to the neck @ 15°.
- Bending Stance; Side Kick, Side Punch. Stance is @ 45°
- Circular Block; Set up at belt level and do not carry arm past the lead leg. Circular block remains at chest level.
- Middle Guarding Block; Hands are at chest level, inside the shoulder line.
Self Defence: (Movements and Applications)
Bag Work and Target Training
Free Starring
- Meaning of WON-HYO
- How Many Movements in WON-HYO
- Movements Application
- Description of Technique and Stance
- Closed Ready Stance A, Fixed Stance, Bending Stance A
Board Breaking: (Technique Will Vary)
- Practice Technique-the instructor will let you know your techniques at least 2-4 weeks in advance.
- Surprise Technique-the instructor will let you know on test day.
- Breaking will be either regular, power breaking, speed breaking, and/or special technique breaking.